Sunday, February 13, 2011

Share your transition story!

Calling all naturalista chicas! @WeRockRoots: has chosen me as a #NaturalHairCommUNITYDays contributor! YAY!

We're making a conscientious effort to collaborate to promote natural beauty and of course dedicate our community to valuing our natural hair.

BE FEATURED! Send me your curly transition pictures with a transition story. Make yourself comfy on a virtual e-sofa, and share like you would if this were an episode of natural hair Oprah! LOL.

Email responsed to

1. What's your name and where ya from?

2. So tell us what gets your natural boppin, what are you currently rockin out to?

3. When did you start transitioning and why did you decide to return to your natural hair?

4. What did your friends, family, co-workers say?

5. Have you found your transition easy or relatively difficult to adjust to?

6. Share your motivation or inspiration for your hair. For kicks, tell us where you see your natural hair in 2 years!

7. What questions, concerns, issues, or needs do you have in regards to your hair right now?

8. What have been your "live by" natural hair tips and tidbits- whats in your natural hair toolkit right now?

9. Any stylists you use that do a bombtastic job and want to promote? Their name, and where can we find them?

10. And where can we find you? Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Email, Website

Of course, submit pics of you along your journey!

Thank y'all so much! 

Submissions will be featured starting the week of March 1. Natural Hair Challenges coming soon! You do not want to miss out on this! Share with all of your friends by clicking the tweet and facebook button below!
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